Sunday, November 23, 2008

Start our study life again......HAHAHAHAHA

Tomorrow is monday, summer semester is going to start excited.Can see GIFC tomorrow........hope everyone can concentrate on studies again.Holidays almost hard!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Exam finall finish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Exam finally lor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy.the pressure all gone. lets enjoy our

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Scary Saturday Nite

Yesterday rain heavily with thunder rumble..... It was a scary saturday nite. Audrey's mum received a call from his dad that one of the shop near our shop was on fire. We immediately went to pasar. Before that, my dad still calling me and told me the modem maybe kena thunder. My aunties and cousin all went down to pasar and helped. Luckily, before we arrived they already went to my aunt there. We went back to shop there and saw the fire had not been put off. The fire was still burning and keep on man yan until behind of the shop at India Street. We heard one ah pek called someone and said you want to see zhao huo?it is so rude. At that time, my dad, aunty and cousin came back to pasar again. The water is not enough for bomba to put off the fire so they pumped the water from the river. Luckily there was Sarawak River opposite the shop.....After 1 hour+++, we knew that the fire had been put off. We felt hungry and went to the market and ate porridge. That was the first time for me to eat at the market there under this situation. so funny.... 2 hours had gone for waiting the fire to put out. We went upstairs and took our things again within blackout. There were a lot of things we need to take. The quality of the metal were good. Everything become black but the shelf still there. 3 of the shop seriously damaged. After we settled everything and come back it was so late already. Thanks for those who helped us a lot and the bomba who were so wei da to put out the fire. This morning got electric supply oledi and some of the shop got open. Everyone caught in traffic jam coz they slow down their car and see what happen. The shop that kena bakar was selling the clothes and slippers on the roadside. This morning then i know that the pc also kena

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Semester 1 in Swinburne...

2 days to go for our exam and that's all for semester 1 in swinburne. Hope everyone prepare well. Nervous ya............. :) Jia you!!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Jia You!!!!!!!!

This week is study week and next week is exam week. Study, Study and Study. Everyone busy with their revision. 1 more week to enjoy ur life. lol. Jia You Everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don't Give UP!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

潘裕文 - 夏雨诗

等候在 驟來的 夏夜暴雨 時間突然靜止
滂沱的 雨勢中 停泊兩段 迂迴著的心事
忽然間 所有的 談笑風生 瞬間戛然而止
靠著我 擋著你 風雨之中 不讓你被淋濕
我們在這個城市 流浪多少日子
卻從來沒有想到 有人能分享 你傾覆的心事
沒有了你叮嚀的日子 耳朵總感覺悵然若失
生活上來了又去 得了又失 是你給我扶持
不斷尋覓錯過了幾次 從來不知愛近在咫尺
回頭發現 熬過這些日子 總有你的影子
孤獨在 各自的 人生旅途 安靜或是飛馳
遇見了 彼此後 兩個靈魂 不再患得患失
有些話 想啟齒 欲言又止 你耐心等我解釋
微笑著 不說話 把我抱住 讓我像個孩子
在光陰這趟車上 浪費了多少日子
遇見你卻讓過去 所有的痛楚 通通被稀釋
沒有了你叮嚀的日子 耳朵總感覺悵然若失
生活上來了又去 得了又失 是你給我扶持
不斷尋覓錯過了幾次 從來不知愛近在咫尺
回頭發現 熬過這些日子 總有你的影子
沒有了你傾訴的日子 耳朵就感覺悵然若失
生活上來了又去 得了又失 你是我的堅持
陪我同遊餘生的日子 就算走到了窮途末日
天涯咫尺 在人生的白紙 同愉快的寫詩
Quite a nice song for me and I like the MV because it is a good ending. Although I don't really understand the meaning well. :)